Over the course of the summer, QAV has proudly accommodated three young students with work experience across multiple departments within the company ranging from production technicians through to digital filming and editing.

QAV values offering work experience to students who are about to embark on further education. QAV strongly believes in investing in the future and supporting the local community all whilst giving young people a kick start to their careers. Giving them the opportunity to see which direction they want to travel in their lives.


Throughout her 2 weeks, Emily, from the Ely area, worked closely with our experienced AV team learning the everyday procedures of delivering a professional service in a timely, functional and safe manner. Emily got to experience first-hand what it takes to prep our shows from start to finish. From concept design artwork through to final confirmed kit lists. Then finally to deliver the promised show to our usual high standards.

At the end of her 2 weeks to see how shows work in a live environment, in conjunction with the team, Emily built her own ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ show. For one aspect of the show, utilising some of the industry-leading kit we have to offer and working closely with experienced technicians, Emily set up her own light show. This involved bright moving-head lights, suspended from truss hangs in our Warehouse, controlled by a lighting desk.

She also set up her own audio system. Controlling multiple microphones and speakers simultaneously from a digital sound desk. All whilst ensuring our cameramen and recorders were also getting a clear audio signal.

Projectors were set up on our Fast-Fold screens to display the game show for both participants and viewers before finally undertaking the live show with live hosts and participants.

Emily added – “Exploring equipment like lighting, audio, projecting, cameras and setting equipment up in general has opened my mind and given me a wide variety of choices that I could possibly explore in the future.


Riley joined us for a week’s work experience, with an interest in design, film and editing. Working closely with our digital team Riley worked on various media projects across different platforms.

At the start of the week Riley worked with our Graphic Designers to create a logo which could be used later in the week on the other media projects. She learnt the basics of Adobe Illustrator to create a logo based around her name and love of cats. Sourcing different fonts, manipulating images and playing with different colour options.

This logo was then imported into Blender where Riley learnt the basics of the software to create a short looping 3D animation.

Mid-week Riley created a short movie trailer using a framework template. Sourcing additional images and footage to insert into template, selecting the best clips and adjusting the footage speed to match the background music. She also added movie titling and her previously made logo at the end.

Towards the end of the week she learnt about the filming processes we use at QAV. Learning how to setup our interview cameras, and lighting setup. She then filmed some interviews with various members of staff, asking some pre-prepared questions. She then edited the footage, colour grading it, normalising the audio. Before adding on-screen titling in the lower thirds.

Riley added – Thank you for having me for work experience, I have had an amazing week. I have really enjoyed working here and developing new skills that I can use in the future. It has also helped to boost my confidence in these skills and this feels like a good first step to a career in media.”


After a successful and productive engagement as part of last year’s work experience, we were thrilled to welcome James back to our team for an extended duration over the course of this summer.

Continuing from his positive work experience with us last year, it was great to see his dedication and positive attitude return as he lent a hand with our Stock Take and PAT Testing activities.

James’ willingness to come back speaks volumes about the positive environment we’re building here. His previous experience proved invaluable as he seamlessly integrated into our current projects with the team. From helping to manage our inventory with our stock take, to ensuring the safety of our equipment through PAT Testing.

This year James also helped with creating some of our social media content, learning the process from discussing the ideas, taking and choosing the best photos and coming up with accompanying text to bring everything together.

Last year, like many students before him, his meticulous approach to tasks stood out and it was a pleasure to welcome him back for another summer’s work. We appreciate his commitment to accuracy and efficiency and it aligns perfectly with our team’s objectives.

James added – “Thank you for having me back at QAV. I have enjoyed working as part of the team and hope I can come back again next summer.”

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