QAV supply logistics services to assist in humanitarian project.
Supporting the Ukrainian Refugee Relief Run

As the crisis in the Ukraine deepens, QAV were approached to see if we would be willing to be involved in a humanitarian aid run to Poland.

QAV were delighted to be able to play a small part in the relief run by offering a vehicle as well as covering all travel expenses. The driver of our vehicle is one of our longstanding freelancers, Paul who will take part in this convoy run.

QAV contacted our sign-writers, Create Signs at short notice to see if they could provide some additional bespoke signage, which they agreed to and offered them free of charge to promote this mission.

The QAV vehicle will be part of a wider convoy has been organised by Sunflower Aid in which a group of 30 volunteers located in 15 vehicles are setting off for Poland on Monday 14th March.

The group will be delivering aid gathered through donations of sought after items such as toiletries as well as providing additional support from generous donations raised via their JustGiving page.

QAV also reached out to its own staff members and offered to match any staff donations made to the JustGiving fundraiser.

Ed Noble said “Gordon and I had discussed what as an organisation we could do to assist the plight of those caught up in this terrible conflict in which the largest refugee migration since WWII is unfolding,  so when Paul approached us to see if we would help in providing logistics for such an important humanitarian project, it was a no brainer!

Hopefully this is one of a number of runs to be undertaken, as the displaced Ukrainian people will need continued support for some period of time.”

Paul added “I got involved with UKSA after Digby (founder Ukraine Sunflower Aid) put a shout out on Facebook asking for help. It was clear that we would need reliable partners and transport to make this vision happen, having worked for QAV in the past I knew that they were exactly the people I wanted on the team. Their professional approach meant I could rely on them, but their sense of family and commitment to being kind people is something I’ve always treasured and that made me sure they would want to help.

I approached Ed and Gordon with our plan and asked for a van to take, they got back to within an hour and insisted that they support us, not only with a van but also covering all of the costs of our transport!

I think everyone is looking for ways to help the people of Ukraine in their hour of need, QAV have once again been there for me in mine.”

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