At last it’s here! the QAV Christmas Card for 2020 and boy what a year!!
All at QAV wish you a very safe and happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2021.

But in the meantime, we have to stick to our bubbles to ensure we have the safest and loving Christmas possible with those that are nearest and dearest.

Nobody could’ve foreseen the events that this year has unfolded upon us. With a complete cease of activity in regards to face to face events, to the immediate migration of virtual delivery. There is however one positive, and that is the absolute desire from everyone within the events industry to get back to some resemblance of normality in 2021.

But don’t worry, we will still be here to offer all the expert advice and services for your virtual delivery as well as (hopefully sooner rather than later) the reintroduction of live events in 2021.

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