This month, QAV is sharing the story of a man called Kabir who is living in a refugee camp in Bangladesh and has been able to build a business, and support his family, thanks to the glasses he’s been prescribed by CBM and their partner.
Month 3 | Improving eyesight in refugee camps

Everyone has a right to sight! But, for many people living in refugee camps around the world, access to eye health care is out of reach.

This month, QAV is sharing the story of a man called Kabir who is living in a refugee camp in Bangladesh and has been able to build a business, and support his family, thanks to the glasses he’s been prescribed by CBM and their partner.

In August 2017, more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees fled horrific violence in Myanmar, seeking refuge in neighbouring Bangladesh. Since then, CBM has been working with their long-term partner Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) to improve the health and wellbeing of those living in the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, including providing access to eye health care.


Kabir’s story

Prior to seeking refuge in Bangladesh, Kabir lived in Myanmar, where he worked as a tailor – something he has done since he was 14. After fleeing his home, Kabir began working as a tailor again in one of the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, selling clothes to other refugees. Unfortunately, his eyesight started to deteriorate and he found himself struggling to continue working.

Kabir’s hope was restored as he was contacted by a community worker from CBM’s partner, who was running an eye and hearing screening. Kabir was assessed by an eye specialist and measured up for corrective glasses. With the right glasses, Kabir’s sight improved and his confidence grew. He returned to work and is once again able to provide for his family.

Now I am having huge workloads due to a lot of demand. Even I have engaged my son in my shop to meet the demands,” laughs Kabir.

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